Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ward of the State

The Eagle has landed... Social Security has deemed me appropriate to receive a monthly disability check... I kind of wished they had resisted a bit- put up some mock objections...but what the heck, I am now officially retired. The law firm that called to “assist me”... has barely received my signed paperwork. I expected some "gnashing of teeth...some indignant comments...not a quick acceptance.

Actually, I feel like I am tap dancing on ice here... Waiting for the call from Ohio State accepting me into the trial chemo program... bouncing on and off steroids... skin erupting, then calming down... totally out of control. Once they call, (The Ohio State James Cancer Center- or as I refer to them as – The St James Resort) I can hop in the car and head north... until then, everything is on hold.

I called Moffit (my local cancer center) to find out if I am scheduled for anything...Dr Byrd from OSU leads the parade- but Moffit has a habit of scheduling me for appointments without letting me know... Moffitt has some great Doctors... but as for quality of customer service--- well I guess I have officially lowered my expectations... They may be getting the jump on practicing Obama care...sort of like a free clinic environment at times...

Last week I was called in for a Pulmonary appointment... I questioned it, lightly- then figured, what the heck... CLL patients have pulmonary issues- maybe they are just crossing their t's and dotting their i's. Nope... Should not have been scheduled... no need... normally I would go ballistic--- but hey- it broke up the day.

Just trying to get some sort of pattern together on a daily basis... Not going into the office, taking business trips, well- you need to make some adjustments. The energy level is really the determing factor... Somedays I am ready to rock and roll- others, I am just stumbling about.

I spent the last several days with my sister from Pennsylvania, Just hanging out, eating, laughing... a good time. Trying to get her and her husband to spend more time down here in the winter... we’ll see.

I have a list of things to some grass feed and seed, tail light for the PT Cruiser, wiper blades, etc... My son has a birthday coming up- so I may go buy something he can exchange... (no illusions here...)I will wind up spending some quiet time reading...praying- clearing the head.

Of course being home has some advantages- my granddaughter Neese just came in to show me a worm she found- she named it “Wormy Sabrina” and she will keep it for an entire year... she wants to wash it...

I better go check on that...

God Bless,


  1. "... my granddaughter Neese just came in to show me a worm she found- she named it “Wormy Sabrina” and she will keep it for an entire year... she wants to wash it..."

    haha ... too cute!

    I do hope your days begin falling into a routine for you very soon. Take care.

  2. I'm so pleased that you were awarded your SSDI on the first try. It took Tom 3 tries, but once an attorney was involved it happened very quickly. Hmmmm, makes you wonder! I hope you are soon notified of acceptance into the chemo trial at OSU/The James. Tom has decided against the trial at Emory for the monoclonal antibody trial. He needs something sooner than they have a spot. And his onc wasn't too impressed by it at Tom's stage. I so enjoyed your writing style. A joy to read. Take care and God Bless! Nancy Lussier

  3. Yeah on the SSDI!!!Now I'm hoping for better days ahead for you.
    Did you and Neese give that worm a bath yet??Tehe!!I love kids!!
    Take Care,
    God Bless,

  4. Great job on the blog Randy. I reckon you had writing in your blood (among other things), so this seems like a logical way to keep those flames fanned. You write well, so would be a shame to let that light go out. I am glad you chose to start this blog. Keeps you creative and us entertained.

