Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I am not a bible scholar... some of the blogs I read are well thought out biblical essays. I am more of a meat and potato kind of guy. I am a blue-collar dude from Cleveland. I am a believer however...

The subject of the “Evil One” causes some concern among non-believers. Back in the 1960's,comedienne Flip Wilson use to say “The Devil made me do it.” Vampires seem to be making a strange comeback- but the Devil seems to be culturally "yesterday's news..." I believe in today's tolerant popular culture where everything is acceptable, it is not “cool” to believe in Satan...If you acknowledge that there is a God however, and that His son came to forgive us our sins-and His word is recorded in the Bible- then you must accept that there is also an evil one who wants us to fail in our relationship with Christ. It is in His word.

A few days ago, I felt I was being attacked... Not by bullies or gangs- but by evil itself. Health, family, finances, just about everything.I felt that situations in my life had compiled to a point that I could bear it no longer... We do have an enemy, one who wishes us to sink into despair and depression- but through His word, and the prayers of fellow believers the evil one can be defeated... By reading His word, asking for prayers from His believers, I made it through the tunnel. Thanks is given to my friends at CLL Christian Friends, my old (former) pastor and friend Bob Moston...and of course our savior, Jesus Christ.

I do not know how non-believers do it... but some suggest that they are not a threat to the evil that exists- only those that are in a relationship are a threat to the evil one. Ironic.

I know that God does not allow us to endure more than we can handle... I sometimes wish he had less faith in my abilities...

Proverbs 3:56: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths


  1. So glad you are feeling better now Randy.Yes satan tries to attach us from every direction sometimes but we have to turn to God and you are right,he will direct ou
    r paths.

    Keep your chin up things will look brighter in a day or two.If not,don't hesitate to ask for more prayers.We all need them.

    Thoughts & Prayers,

  2. I'm so glad you're feeling better too, Randy. Isn't it cool that the armor He tells us to put on in Ephesians 6 is all stuff we already have in Christ, and we only need to put it on?!!
