Friday, September 11, 2009

Doing all right!

I know some people check this blog out to see how I am doing... Still upright and on the green side of the grass. No fevers, fatigue is manageable- lymph nodes manageable... the skin issues seem to be calmed for the moment...knock on wood...all in all doing pretty well.

Guess my recent posts are a testament of my general well being... I am getting all worked up about the political hi jinks that seem to go unnoticed in the mainstream media...not focusing on the CLL thing.

I mean, ACORN, Rangel, Wilson, Obama, Health care... aghhhhh.

I have started listening to left wing radio as well... Randi Rhodes... along with Beck and Limbaugh... talk about going from one extreme to the other...trying to get a balance.

I sometimes wonder if they car pool in together...

Anyway- I am doing well- nothing from the Guru's at Ohio State yet...which is good.

Just sitting here making tin foil hats...

God Bless,


  1. Randy:

    I applaud your willingness to listen to left-wing radio. I also try to keep a balance to my left-leaning brain, and when time allows will watch/listen to people like Joe Scarborough, George Will, even Pat Buchanan. I regard them as honest defenders of conservatism. Might I suggest that you try Rachel Maddow on MSNBC? Hers is the "thinking person's voice" on the left. I don't like the nut cases on either side.

    Speaking of sides, we may take different sides in politics, but we agree on one thing: We should stay on the green side of the grass!


  2. David,

    Thanks for the recommendation. I do flip on Rachel she is on the same time as Sean Hannity- DVR is a wonderful thing- I avoid commercials and see both sides.

    I might suggest Peggy Noonan's Wall Street Journal columns as well...she has a softer approach to conservatism.

    I think Randi Rhodes and I have broken up--- my blood pressure can not handle her view... I am believing some of these people are like the WWF.

    I will continue with Rachel and occasionally- for sport- Keith Oberman. I also get the Huffington Post emails- to balance my conservative blogs.

    Hope you are feeling well... over on the left.

    Still doing well on the “right” side here.

    God Bless,


  3. Randy, I'm glad you're doing well! I think of myself as conservative, but every time I've taken one of those online tests, I am right down the middle moderate. I tested 50% compatible with John McCain and 50% compatible with Hillary Clinton. And I don't like Hillary Clinton. I laugh every time I think about that. I guess I don't really even know who I am. ; ) Let's all keep on the green side! I'm for that!

  4. I find myself somewhat on the left of Mr. McCain...

    Hope John is feeling better.

    God Bless,

  5. So glad you're doing well, Randy! I enjoy reading your blog.
