Friday, September 18, 2009

4 percocet day

I was just boasting the other day that my legs have healed very nicely and the lymph node seemed to be smaller. I began compiling a list of some of the things I would do- change the oil in the Mustang, do some minor repair work on the PT Cruiser, wash both, and maybe some work around the house. I even went so far as to find and set up my car ramps. This morning I was going to Walmart for some Mobil One...and an oil filter. The previous day I had replaced the battery in the mustang. Getting that normal thing back... then the other shoe dropped.

I woke this morning to find that the swelling had left ankle and calf doubled in size- creating blisters filled with the clear fluid. It is as if the fluid has to escape- and these blisters provide the only avenue of escape. The blisters fill and pop, causing some burning- and releasing sufficient amounts to stream down my leg...drying to a hard crust. The initial pain is from within the ankle, as well as a burning acidic sensation from the skin eruptions. Over the course of the day, I usually take 4 percocets, pop beneryl, and let nature take it's course. By the next day, I can flex my ankle, and the eruptions- while not pretty, have completed their function by providing portals for the white sticky fluid to escape to the outside world. The following day, I have some ugly scars- but the swelling has gone down and I am on the road to normal..for what ever a brief time I might spend there...

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. We hate hearing that you are still having so much trouble with the skin eruptions. Does your doctor relate this to a wonky immune system as Tom's dermatologist has done? We had never heard of this issue until Tom started experiencing it...and then we met you. Do you hear about this from many others that follow your blog? Many other Cllers?

    Hope you are getting back to doing the things you enjoy. Take care and God bless. Nancy and Tom
