Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Open response to a comment

Please do not attempt to pigeon hole me based on one comment/reading... I will try and offer you the same courtesy.

I watched Fox as well as MSNBC..both are extreme at times.I listened to Glenn Beck, as well as Randi Rhodes... I want to slap both of them. I believe the two ride to work together to get their pro wrestling like tag team material ready... I have turned them both off. Classic Rock on XM is more soothing.

I read two newspapers, and watch the local news. I am still informed.

The comment in question- two blogs ago- was from a Pravda article--- you know, the former mouthpiece of the Soviet Union.

Truth does matter... Unfortunately I am not sure we are getting it from either side of the aisle...Bush, Obama, Clinton. Arlan Sprecter, Chris Dodd, Mark Sanford, Mark Souder... they begin to blur. I listened to Charles Rangell several years ago, at a law school graduation..thinking, 'while I don't agree with him on many items, I believe he is a Patriot and serving our country'. Since then I see him a bit more self serving. While a $175,000 income is above average- how does Charlie and his cohorts on the hill-both sides of spectrum, become multi millionaires??? Maybe the legislators should hold seminars for the unemployed.

I strangly enough agree with some of Michael Moore (some) and some of Ron Paul... I believe the good intentions to help some people have crippled them and made a serf like class that is hard to break out of...I speak from experience. I also agree that a Capitalist model does not work for government. Neither does the socialist sharing the fruits of all labors... The grasshoppe and Ant fable come to mind.

I also see capitalist endeavors that are pulling the healthcare from their retired non union workers. Moving jobs to Mexico and China, to save a few dollars.

The model that best works for me is the Judeo-Christian beliefs that our country was founded upon... encouraging hard work, self reliance, and giving your neighbors a helping hand... The US is famous for giving to the less fortunate. New tax laws will reduce the amount that can be deducted, but I suspect those that give from the heart will continue no matter what.

I believe we as a country can regain our footing...

I believe in God and his word.

God Bless,


  1. I don't pigeon hole you - sorry if it seems that way. I only bother commenting to you because I DO read what you say and know that you are thoughtful and not following any party line.

    I also agree that we are not getting a full truth, and sometimes outright lies, from both sides and the media. So, we have to dig deeper, read analyses...etc.

    My beef is with knee-jerk labeling with no basis in fact -e.g. Obama not born in Hawaii; Obama is a Muslim; govt adding a health care option is "socialism", but the UK and Canada, and all of Europe are not socialist. It's like saying the US has become socialist because we have a postal service, education and libraries.

    There is PLENTY to complain about with Obama without resorting to things that are just ridiculous slander.

    So, I disagree with a lot of your positions, but I know you are not ignorant or thoughtless, and it is people of opposing views who do actually want the same good outcomes that are worth trying to interact with.

    I know you, btw, from the CLLfriends site, and it just makes me crazy when people who are "Christians" don't want to give anyone else the opportunities they have, and feel it is fine to lie if it furthers their politics.

    On the whole, the people on cllfriends seem to be really wonderful, caring people, and I cannot square that with the political values of many. I keep reading you because perhaps I will someday "get" how these things are compatible.

    Sorry for the long comment.


  2. Helene...

    Keep reading- all things are possible for those that seek the truth.
    Being a Christian does require you care for all people-or rather, it allows you to mandates for Christian membership- other than a belief in Him and his son- and the following of the greatest commandments- that you should love all as you love yourself, and have no other God above Him... and as for the “birthers”- just like some may feel Obama is not a "real" citizen... others feel that all Christians are judgmental and hypocrites and those that come out at Tea Parties are bigots…and slandered with being called tea baggers- a less than honorable way to describe American’s voicing their concern. There are extremes on both sides.

    In the words of that famed extremist, Rodney King, “Why can’t we all get along…” BTW some will say my reference here is racist…

    Free speech is selective, it seems. An outrage was made when a halloweener hung a dummy with a black face from his window... People cheered when the following halloween someone hung Sarah Pallen's likeness. I comment that I feel that Barack Obama is an empty suit, I am a racist... A Canadian makes a movie about assasinating George Bush, well that cool.

    And for America; I pray Obama does stop the trend that many others before him have placed us on... Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan and Carter…and I hope that all people will again regain that sense of pride that allows them to be responsible for themselves and offer hands up- not hand outs to others... I do like modeling other countries successes- and wonder why we have not modeled Japan’s protectiveism for business, Mexico’s extreme restriction on immigrants- to the point of limited “foreigners” from any free speech at political rallies… When we do, we are called racists. I do not think I want to model Greece, the UK, or France in their systems… as a CLL patient, I am also appreciative for the health care I have- but I made choices to get and maintain my healthcare… last to have a flat screen, cell, all the other toys that some feel are more their rights than a sign of hard work and sometimes doing without.

    In past blogs I mention putting on a tin foil hat- indicating that sometimes I feel that the world has gone insane- or maybe it is me... The value, the core beliefs- yes, the charity that allows people to get through tough times- not extend it or enslave them is an America I believe in... Being a "welfare kid", I know the golden handcuffs that ensnare people...

    I do resent having to push 1 for English, knowing full well that other than French Canadian businesses, all others telephones in the world simply speak their native tongue. If you are there, you need to catch up, or move on.

    So yes, keep reading... I will keep suppressing as long as possible--- we have not suddenly found ourselves here- but have been circling this drain for as long as I can remember- Daniel Moynihan ranting and raving in 1970 about people slamming the US on the floor of the UN, then asking and receiving checks in the back room.

    As for me, I think I will go to the beach...

    God Bless,

  3. I'm so happy you are feeling well, I'll forgive you for not liking Glenn Beck!

  4. Thanks Marsha... Beck is alright, but I am tired of people pointing out the challenges and not the solutions. Writing several books, one co authored by Thomas Paine may be rewarding- but what I am looking for is someone who will put their money where their mouth is... run for office- show us how it should be done... tired of people just throwing rocks.

    Until then, I am on electronic holiday...
