Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ming 1993-2010

Tough part of having a dog is when they die... Ming was a good dog- a crotchedy old guy like me. He lived a good life- and fought for life as long as possible. But cheating death is not possible forever...the body simply wears out.

He will be missed.


  1. I'm sorry, Randy. It's hard to lose our pets. Our dog, Chessie, died a little over a year ago. She was 14+ years old so she lived a good, long life. I still miss her, though. Just last night we had some leftover ham scraps and I said, "Chessie would love these." Instead we threw them in the garbage.

  2. As a dog lover, let me say I'm sorry.

  3. Thanks. Ming was suffering, and his quality of life had declined greatly. Tough as it was, it was the right time.

  4. As blessed as you were to have Ming in your family's lives for many years, so was Ming blessed to have your family in his. Happy and cherished memories will eventually replace the grief of loss. God bless you. Nancy and Tom
