Sunday, March 21, 2010

Chicken or the Egg? Electronic Holiday or way of life?

The electronic holiday continues...but I believe I may have to reconsider and call this an altered lifestyle. I like this feeling of not being tethered to the laptop or newschannels.

My buddy, Gil McCormack called the other night besides himself with the arrogance of Nancy Pelosi, and her staff. Calling her office, an aide informed Gil that he was hanging up, as he had honored Gil with enough of his time... Gil wanted me to call... I chose not to.

Thinking a lot about the chicken and the egg these days...which came first? The above political mess- are we working for the elected officials? Or are they serving at our pleasure? I find many are agreeing that they (officials) seem to be out of control. My goodness, I am in agreement once more with Michael Moore! I do have a slight conservative edge there.

Maybe the socialists are taking over?

What about my personal chicken and the egg? I was diagnosed with leukemia six years ago, since then I have tried to educate myself about the stides and possibilities of treatments. As well as the failures and "things to look out for..." Death was the biggest thing to watch for. I have seen many of my colleagues pass on.

Funny how we sometimes focus on those things we don't want to happen. Like bad cancer symptoms and death. Why should I look out for death. Do I not believe that the time and place of my demise is already known by God? I mean, the doctors are "practising" medicine. I have beaten the odds in life- in the past. Why should I become an average statistic now? If I believe this, whats the big deal? So why not focus on life? Focus on what I want to have happen? This is not new age stuff...but actual laws of cause and effect- laws of attraction that I have known for some time- but fear from the diagnosis has made my focus turn off Him, life, and the things I want...and turn onto the things I don't want to happen instead.

I am feeling good these days... maybe the avoidance of the numerous forums- I still check them daily- but limit my time... Maybe it is the books I read (reread)- "You Are What You Think", "Healing Yourself", "Laws of Attractions", and "The Bible".

Maybe it because I have turned off the 24/7 news talk- still informed- but not saturated endlessly by communication companies trying to fill dead air.

Maybe it is because I am riding my bike- 12 miles the other day- releasing the endorphins.

Maybe it is no longer focusing on the three Doctor's that told me I did not have long to live.

Maybe it's the Cal 101 trial I am on.

Don't know- really don't care.

Chicken? Egg? I like Colonel Sanders and Cheese Omelets...

Rush, Glenn, Rachel, Keith... wishing you the best. Continue on without me.

God Bless,

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