Friday, December 18, 2009


Still lacking a good night's sleep. This urinary thing is getting old. The doctors are on it- but again I am reminded why they call it practising medicine. Last night up every hour on the hour...My usual sweet demeaner is without a doubt being challenged. Not a time to make major decisions or discuss with Denise budgets, travel, dog care, or for that matter anything else...

I woke up this morning (the last time) and thought about what a pain this is- no energy, no enthusiasm...grouchie as a bear... and wondered what I could do. Feeling a little sorry for myself...

Prayer is always a good thing- as well as acceptance and giving thanks.

So I did, I gave thanks.

Tough... giving thanks for not sleeping! Well why not, I have seen many other strange things come from odd occurences in my life... and if I believe the words inside the Book... I guess I need to not put my own predetermined qualifications on them... My old (well previous) pastor use to say...if the book is not true- then throw it away, go do whatever you want... (I am sure he said it much more eloquently than that)the point was to either grasp it, accept it or not.

There is no gray areas...the Bible is a manual for living.

So, thank you Lord for the situation that is now upon me- I don't understand but I have faith that you are in control...and I accept your authority in my life.

Maybe this is a time when I get to put to practise my belief that I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me... as well as time to do as I frequently tell my siblings and sons when they might bemoan a current situation...identify where and what is current and move forward. Nothing can change the past- no wishing or hoping- there is no time to have a pity party. Do something. It might be wrong- but that will become evident...and move you toward the right path.

So this morning, after praying I decided- okay, I am not getting any sleep-now what...Time to act... I actually went out today, accomplished several things on my list... that's a start..

day by day... feeling better already.

God Bless


  1. Good words from a guy with a great attitude. Just wanted to let you know that this post was also timely for me on this day. Thanks, Randy.

  2. Thanks Shari. I got a call after I published this... I have some kind of urinary tract infection- and some medicine has been prescribed.
