Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ming Survives

The title- "Ming Survives" is borrowed from the famous quote of John Adams, on his death bed in Massachusetts at age 90...Unknown to him, his old friend and political ally/opponent Thomas Jefferson also was either dying or dead in Virginia. It was July 4th, 1826- fifty years after the Declaration of Independence. The last of the original signers.

Denise and I recently watched the mini series, "John Adams" from Netflix... He was portrayed as a crotchety old bastard that had high principles and did not bend. Fair minded- concerned with justice for all. A good role model...in my opinion.

Tough thing about having a dog is that they get old and eventually may have to be put down. Ming, my Shtz Zu, and old traveling buddy was of concern. His back legs were not functioning properly, and his vision seemed to be severely impaired. So we took him for a quality of life meeting with the Vet.

Fortunately for all-especially Ming, he was given a steroid and seems to be back to normal- as an old dog...He is in no pain, and besides having just a few teeth-he loves his home made dog food. He will live to fight another day...

As will I.

God Bless,

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