Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1

July, the year is really moving along. Being in Florida, I sometimes miss the seasons- but there is no missing the Florida and humid. In the north in the winter you can put on warm jackets, gloves and boots and go outside- summers here you go from air-conditioned car to air conditioned house or store, or restaurant... The heat exasperates my skin issues, so I am pretty much stuck inside. Denise tries to get some gardening and outside work done prior to 9 AM...

I was not accepted into the OSU Cal 101 trial... Apparently they only had two opening, and I was third on the list. The coordinator told me that if someone does not make it due to his or her poor physical exam, then I am up... I hope the two that are slated make it and it works well for them...I don’t want to wish them any illness.

They also have the trial at Moffitt--- I see my Tampa Hem Doc tomorrow...but I am not hopeful. Dr. Byrd suggested last week that if this was not available- I might try the Tru-16 trial... that would require me to travel to Ohio a bit more... I should have a clearing understanding of it all by week’s end- if the holiday doesn’t get in the way.

I got involved with some things yesterday morning and did not take my medications until mid day... at that point I decided not to take my Provigil--- it is a “speed-like” tablet that gives me a bit more energy, and I was concerned about it keeping me awake longer into the night. Originally developed for air force pilots to combat lack of sleep- it is now used most by narcolepsy patients... and those of us who have severe fatigue. I went to bed earlier than normal...

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