Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday? It's Monday again???

Now that I am on (I will call it temporary) disability...the days all blend together. None more distinctive than the other- especially in the summer when my granddaughters do not have school. I rise each day to the usual is an necessary element, as is reading.  I am currently on an antibiotic regimen that is infused every morning and again in the I get that out of the way. A couple more weeks left on that- and hopefully none afterwards. Lunch, maybe (usually) a nap- as one friend describes naps- not a luxury if they are necessary. Afternoon reading- some fiction, some spiritual, some non fiction (I have several books going at once) eventually dinner and the news shows to see what I missed. I get most of my news these days from the television. Watching Fox, MSNBC, and occasionally CNN. I swear they drive in to work together to get their positions straight.

The daily newspaper is predictable...thick on Sunday's thin on Tuesdays... and medium sized the rest of the week. Not much to surprise me in the paper these days- with the 24 hour news cycles and all- but occasionally I find something of local interest.

Newspapers use to expand the issues- give great depth and substance to the abbreviated televised news stories. Now fighting for their survival in a digital world- they are economizing every chance they can. I have subscribed to a daily newspaper for over thirty years now- even when I spent seven months in Columbus- so I will miss it if it folds. The Tampa Tribune is the first newspaper I ever subscribed to... I did subscribe to the electronic newspaper for IPads- The Daily. It was very colorful, and a bit like USA Today- McPaper. It folded after a ten month run...

Anyway- now you know why I call this "Ramblings by Randy" agenda- like a visually challenged javelin thrower- I don't usually hit my target, but I do keep the crowd on it's toes.

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