Sunday, November 22, 2009

Back to Florida

The car is semi packed…The Dublin “Chalet” is looking kind of empty. I will go to the St James tomorrow for a clinic check up- get some new pills and point the Cadillac south. BTW, I am extremely happy with 27 miles per gallon…as the North Star eight cylinder glides down the road… Yes I could get better mileage, but I am still resistant to driving a cracker box. I enjoy the ride.

I fly back December 7th, and then monthly after that.

The Cal 101 treatment has been successful so far…lymph nodes have decreased, my energy has increased, and my skin issues- itchy, break outs, eruptions- have disappeared. This is a phase one trial- so there may be other issues not yet discovered… but anything that will give me a better “quality of life” enhancement is ok with me. Phase one trial usually has only one goal… see what dosage is tolerated, participants have very few options.

I received some bad news last night- a fellow CLL’er passed away. I had met him several years ago here in Columbus- when I was on my Bone Marrow Transplant attempt. I had wanted to meet someone who had had a transplant. Danny was from the Cleveland area, had had a bone marrow transplant two years prior, and was having a terrible time of Graft versus Host disease. He passed away after a battle with pneumonia and H1N1 last Thursday, leaving behind a wife, Dawn, and son Donovan (who I believe is ten). Please remember them in your prayers as they struggle through this difficult period.

I was kicked off the transplant train due to a bad kidney that had to be removed. I have often thought that that had been a good thing- not going to transplant. Had the kidney thing not been discovered- it surely would have caused havoc after the transplant.

I am ready to go home.

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. Randy,
    Tom and I were so pleased to read that, to date, the trial is going so well. I read where others are experiencing great results in the same trial. It sounds so promising! We were saddened to hear of the loss of a fellow CLLer after a hard fought battle. His young family has suffered a tragic loss after standing beside him through so much already. We will keep them in our prayers.

    We hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family in Florida. Lots to be thankful for. Tom says "Gravy & biscuits, you're on". His appetite is improving. God Bless, Nancy
